Classroom (currently held in person or via Zoom) and on-the-water instruction (OTW) is included in your membership fee, so you can join at any time of the year and have an opportunity to sail after the Fleet is launched in late Spring. On-the water instruction is both somewhat formal and informal and can be experienced during the week during fun sails with other keyed skippers, Saturday and Sunday OTW instruction (typically, 1:30pm), Wednesday racing practice session (5 p.m.) and Saturday races (see race schedule), and by appointment (see below). Instruction emphasizes sailing safely as part of the Club's ongoing effort to maintain the Club’s excellent safety record. You are encouraged to attend all the classroom instruction but only the Hazards class is mandatory. New members who have not yet been checked out (aka, "keyed") may sail with any of the skippers in the Club.
Before a new member may take a Club boat out, he or she must be checked out as a qualified skipper.
Club members can access additional Class Materials on the Members Only Instruction page. Use the Membership password to access additional document links under "Checkout Information" and "Class Materials," as well as the "NCSC Handbook."
If you have any questions regarding NCSC Safety or Instruction, please contact Patrick Dowling, our Director of Safety and Instruction.
On-the-water instruction is offered during the sailing season every Saturday and Sunday, at 1:30pm (generally, please check schedule):
The Safety & Instruction Director will contact members that are not keyed by email on Wednesday of each week to find out if you want instruction for the upcoming weekend.
Instructors will be assigned based on the number of members asking for instruction ... Typically each instructor will have one or -two students.
You should respond by return email no later than Thursday afternoon with the number of members that will attend and which day(s) you want instruction.
You will meet you instructor at the waterfront at 1:30pm on the selected day(s). Time may shift based on instructor availability.
Some Saturday races will be scheduled in the afternoon (generally in the Summer, but check the Racing page Calendar), so instructees can join the mostly Thistle races or have instruction on a Scot.
5 Ways to get Instruction on the water (May - Oct)
Sign up for Saturday and Sunday OTW Instruction, typically at 1:30pm, but times vary - see schedule at top right
Get on Bob Cann's weekly Email list for finding other members to join you for weekday pleasure sailing (see Instruction Links, available to members only)
Come out for Wednesday Fun sail, every Wednesday night at 5:00pm during the Sailing Season (pending due to COVID-19)
Arrange for Instruction by Appointment (see Instruction Links, available to members only)
Come out for Racing on Saturday. Both competitive and low intensity races are included on the schedule so new members won't be intimidated by the competition.
Instruction By Appointment
Instruction by appointment is available to members only- see the members only area for details